Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Big News!

Hey guys!

First, I would just like to say that if you have tried to get ahold of me via phone and have not been able to I apologize! My phone has been wacky lately so I am in the process of getting a new one, please try again or send an email. Now on to the good stuff...

Most of you are already aware of this "big news" but here it is anyway. :)

My husband and I are expecting out first baby!!!

Our little girl will be here any day now and we could not be more excited! :) However, there is some bad news...because of this wonderful fact I will no longer be scheduling shoots for the rest of this month and most of April. I plan on being back at it by the end of April but who knows, maybe you will get lucky and I will feel great and come back sooner! We'll see!

Thanks for sharing this joy with us and being understanding in my little break! You guys are amazing! :)

9 month self-portrait. Feeling huge! :-P

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The A. Family

My best friends family. As you can tell we mostly just goof off and get all our cute shots that way. :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

The D. Family

It was hard not to love life a little more while shooting this family, just check out the grin on the little boy. :)
